Thursday, July 22, 2010

6 Weeks Old!

Della turned 6 weeks old on the same day her mommy (me) turned 25 years old! She is starting to be a very social baby and is starting to smile responsively to us making faces at her or tickling her lips or toes. She loves tummy time and is trying really hard to rollover. Her thighs and little arms are starting to get a little bit of chub which is about the cutest thing in the world. Della loves to stare at bright lights and especially likes looking outside through open blinds (the lines provide a great contrast). Last night, Della had her first night at a baby-sitter. My good friend Melody agreed to watch her for the evening while Derek and I went to our Exchange meeting for a brief period, then out to dinner and finally to see the newest Twilight movie, Eclipse. We both enjoyed our night out and we are going to try our hardest to schedule at least one date night per month. Melody and her daughter-in-law, Sarah both had fun with Della and they said she did great with them and gave them a few smiles also. It sure is amazing the lengths people go to in order to get a wide mouthed, gummy grin from a baby.
Della has also started to come to the realization that she has hands of her own and they have even served as a pacifier when she can't quite get hers back in her mouth.
She is beginning to reach some exciting milestones and the past two nights she slept for 7 hours straight! Now if only I can figure out how to get to bed at 9 when she goes to bed - haha!
Every day I find new things about Mommy-hood that I enjoy. My maternity leave will end in about 2 weeks so I am trying to cherish each moment I have remaining.
All in all, Della has developed so mcuh in 6 weeks and we are looking forward to all the new things she learns everyday!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Della and Dutch

The experience of adding a new member of the family has so far been good for Dutch. He usually ignores Della for the most part except for when she cries. He really is good about letting Mom and Dad know that she is upset and he will run up to her room (or wherever she is crying) and whimper until one of us goes and checks on her. I am not sure if he is annoyed by the cry or just making sure we hear it. So far though, he is very good with Della and sniffs her head when we are holding her or when she is in her bouncy seat. He has not shown any signs of jealousy towards her and I think it will be really fun to see the two of them interact as she gets older. I am pretty sure that he is going to love it when she starts on solid foods in her high chair. If she is anything like normal babies, a good portion of her food will end up on the floor which will be the end of our No Human Food for the dog rule. Oh well. As soon as Della can start sitting up on her own, we are going to get a saddle for Dutch so she can have doggie rides!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Della's 1st month

Well, so far, parenting has been challenging but now we know it is going to be totally worth all the late and broke-up nights. We are learning to translate Della's language which of course consists of crying with a little bit of grunting and cooing mixed in. She is growing so fast and is almost up to 10 pounds! I did a mini photo shoot for her 1 month photos with one of her chic outfits from Linda Butler.

In other news... Our house painting is almost complete. We think it looks pretty good (at least from the street now). There is some cutting in and second coats left to do but it should be all ready when Louis and Shannon & boys come next weekend. Let me know what you think!

More to come :)
