Della has been a busy girl lately! She has still been busy pulling herself up on just about everything but now she is getting brave and starting to let go of the furniture and standing on her own. We have even seen her push up to standing from a crawling position and be in a standing position and squat down to grab a toy. We are so amazed at how quickly she learns things and it seems like everytime we turn around she is doing something new.
She is getting very dexterous in eating and picking up small items. She really like blueberries, strawberries, beans, rice and would love to have whatever mom or dad is eating. She's tried Mexican food, good ol' pot pie and even a little chinese!
She has been so happy and giggly lately and especially loves Dutch. It is so cute when she is really tired, she will go and crawl up on Mom and Dad and lay on our chest or she will go over to Dutch and use him as a pillow or share a square of his bed. He is so tolerant of her which is good because she now loves to pull on his ears and pat him on the head (very gently of course... :)