So here is what has been going on lately...
Della is still busy running around, climbing onto things, playing outside, and jabbering all the time. Every day, Della and I go to get the mail which is a little ways down the road and along the way, she picks up "treasures" which are rocks, pinecones etc. She normally grabs at least 3 and will put a lot of effort into carrying them all at once. She will stop a few times along the way to put them down and rearrange them in her arms. It turns into quite the ordeal and she is never very happy when I make her put them back along the way (as they belong to the neighbors). She has been making new animal noises too. She can tell you what a snake says (sssssth), a lion (rawr), an owl (whooo whoo), a cow (Boooo), a kitty cat (whyy whyyy) and a doggy (fwoof fwoof). Her favorite words are Dutchie, Daddy, Mama, No no, and shoe shoe. She has started repeating what we say and tries to make an attempt.
She has started developing a personality and is very quick to laugh. This weekend, we got Della some sidewalk chalk so she has been coloring our patio. She likes to color with her crayons and markers when they make it to the paper rather than her mouth.
Even though every warned us it would fly by, both Derek and I are having a hard time believing how big she is getting and how each day she looks a little taller and learns a little more. It's going FAST!