This past weekend, Auntie Julia came to stay with us and hang out with Della. Needless to say, we were busy having fun :) On Thursday night, we hosted our couples small group Thanksgiving dinner and Julia made her infamous pumpkin roll- this time with walnuts and it was her best yet! Friday night we laid low and stayed home and watched a couple movies. It was wonderful. Saturday night we finished her stay off with a murder myster dinner where her character was Snow White, mine was Schehereazade from 1001 Arabian Nights and Derek was Sherlock Holmes. It was a lot of fun and everyone who came had great costumes (my friend's album is on Facebook and I am tagged in it).
Della is learning more and more each day and continues to amaze us at how fast she keeps developing! She responds to instructions and loves to help clean up her toys when we are done playing. This afternoon, we were playing fetch with Dutch and I would throw his toy for him to get which she thinks is great. I told her to throw the toy for Dutch and as she could not throw very far, she walked the toy clear across the lawn to where I was throwing and waited for him to come get it. Now that is a creative solution!
Tomorrow Saxon arrives and will be here on Thanksgiving. Joy and Charles will also come up from Santa Maria on Thursday. I am really looking forward to family coming into town, especially as well have family to share our Thanksgiving with!!
Here are some photos and videos from recent weeks and adventures.