Monday, June 23, 2014

What's been going on.... Mainely

June has been quite the whirlwind of a month. It began with a big summer trip to Alfred, Maine. The trip was planned around the wedding of Derek's cousin, Joel Wagner (Saxon's brother's son). We were able to rent a beautiful lake house near the Wagner family's house that we shared with Duckie and Pap Pap and Aunt Joy and Uncle Charles. The house came with a fire pit, 4 kayaks, a canoe, a pool table, dartboard, and even a few baby things.

 During our trip, we had the opportunity to visit one of the oldest commissioned lighthouses still operating in the US at Cape Elizabeth. We also got to visit "Old Port" Portland, do some shopping, and see some of the other Maine sights. While we were there, our baby, Della, turned 4! I can hardly believe she's 4 already. We celebrated with chocolate cake and Derek's cousin Asa's family. The kids played in the lake and on the bunk beds with glow sticks after dark. They had a blast!

Cora showing off her dance moves and her new boots - Della and Cora got a matching pair!
Derek and I had the opportunity to go on a date trip to New York City for one night. We stayed right in Times Square and got to see the World Trade Center Memorial (which was phenomenal and very humbling), take the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty a little closer, see a Broadway show (Newsies - and Derek even got out seats upgraded to BOX SEATS!!), take a carriage ride in Central Park, be on the set of a segment of the Today Show (you could see me for a second and Derek's red hat in the back) and see Rockefeller Center (where Derek worked during his internship with NBC). It was a very jam-packed but great time. The girls got to spend a little extra time with Duckie and Pap Pap and Uncle Charles and Auntie Joy. Duckie had packed a special "bag'o'tricks" for the girls so they got surprises every so often.

 Derek and his folks went golfing on one of the later days on the trip so I was able to take the girls to a children's museum in Portland which is one of the best I have seen. We had a really fun experience!

This cow is much shinier than Pake's cows!

What is this thing?? Cora quickly caught on and said "hello"?

It was my first time to the Northern part of New England and now I know why the pilgrims settled there. It really was beautiful.

In other news...
As I haven't posted a blog for some time, an update on the girls is overdue.

Della just turned 4 and has moved up to the Fours preschool class at Small Wonders. Her new teachers are Miss Terri Lynn and Miss Raeanne. She has been learning so much and can write just about anything that she can get help with the spelling on. In her class, they are working on lowercase letters, letter sounds, patterns, and more advanced scissor and art skills. I am constantly amazed by Della's knowledge. She loves school and also loves her days home with Mom. Recently, we started reading the Little House in the Big Woods and Della is immersed. I have such fond memories of reading these books with Dad (Pake) and want to pass this on to my girls.

We are now wrapping up swim lessons for both girls and Della is swimming like a mermaid/fish/big kid, etc. Daddy has taught her how to do pencil dives and cannonballs. Our weekends and many weeknights are spent in the pool. Swimming has become some really special time for Derek and the girls.

Cora is also doing really well in her swim lesson. She is able to swim in the water, roll to her back, and then swim again to a safe place (the edge of the pool, an adult, etc). Next week, she should perform her checkout skills which has her do these skills in winter clothes, pajamas, and summer clothes on consecutive days. We couldn't be happier with these swimming lessons and are so glad we invested the time in teaching the girls to swim.

Cora is now nearly 20 months and is such a joy!  Each day, she is learning new words and sounds. She loves to play with her big sis and is developing her own personality. One of her favorite things to do is to spin around in circles until she gets dizzy at which point she will stop and say "Whoa"; regain her balance, and start over, laughing the whole time. She did this while we were waiting in the Boston airport for Derek to get the rental car and drew a little audience of people who thought she was adorable (of course). Cora is a big helper and can find just about any toy or missing item and bring it to you. This is really nice when I have misplaced something or we can't find her sippy cup.

Two days ago, we took away Cora's pacifiers (plugs) so she has been less than thrilled but it was time. Now every time she goes down for a nap or sleep she says "Pug? Pug? PUUUGGG??!!" until I tell her they are all gone :( This is never a fun process but she is doing great with out it.

As for Derek and I, we are staying busy with work and the kids. Just a week ago, I was promoted to Audit Supervisor which was a little unexpected as I am one of the first "in-charge" levels they hired on a part time basis. Good thing I was raised with such a quality work ethic. Thanks for all the training in washing barns Mom and Dad :)

Derek continues to get good feedback from his peers, bosses, and agents he works with. He has been golfing with a couple groups of men that he really enjoys.

All in all, life has been good here in Bakersfield.