Monday, June 4, 2012

The Latest

Once again, Della continues to grow and learn faster than we thought was possible. Her personality is really starting to shine through and she is wrapping us tighter and tighter around her fingers. She can count to 10 and is starting to sing snipets of songs. The bad news about her counting, though, is when we count to three to put her in time out, we'll say, one.... two.... and then she'll continue for us (fee, fo, five, sick, sefen, eight, nine, ten). It's hard to remain firm and upset when she is so cute but we try our best. She always wants to know where everyone is at (where Pake at? wanna see Beppe! where Dutchie go?) and she loves to take care of her babies and dollies by feeding them, changing their diapers (with at least 10 wipes), and reading them books. Della continues to love to be outside which is great as the weather has been so nice lately. It truly is hard to believe she is going to be 2 in just a few days. We have talked to her a little bit about her new baby sister on the way (which we still are calling Spud). Each day she wants to say Hello to Spud and give hugs and kisses to Spud (Hug, Spud, Me!) Here are some pictures from some our latest adventures: Daddy's 30th birthday, outside in the little pool, visits from Pake, Beppe and Julia, and a trip to the Monterey Aquarium with Louis' family.