Sunday, February 24, 2013
Growing up
I can hardly believe that I haven't posted a blog since Cora was born! I have been busy taking pictures and videos though. iPhones sure make documenting milestones easy :)
Cora is 4 and a half months now and is getting to be so interactive and busy. She is a very happy baby and is content doing most things. She loves to play on her play mat, jump in her excerciser, and sit in her Bumbo. She is very close to rolling over and can roll onto her side from her back and from her tummy. I think she is just so content with wherever she is that she doesn't want to particularly do anything different. Della is loving her role as a helper/big sister and helps me out by bringing burp rags, turning on music for Cora on the swing, bouncer, or toys, and she even helps to set the table (she brings the napkins, spoons and her plate/cup to the table). Both girls will hang out in tummy time and Della makes Cora laugh by making silly faces. Della's latest favorite games are playing "Chase" and "lion" and her roars sometimes are so loud they scare Cora - especially right after she wakes up. The girls started day care the beginning of January and have been settling in pretty well. Right now they go three days a week while I work during tax season and then after tax season, I'll be working 2 days a week so I will use the third day to get some one on one time with each girl. Della has "kids" now and is very watchful of them. She will bring them all to Derek and I and ask if we will "watch her kids" and then she will fill up her play backpacks or lunchboxes and bring us their bag. They are all consistently stuffed to the brim with mac and cheese (a Tupperware container holding duplos or coasters), underwear, tights, play baby bottles, her play food, and her babies' babies. Every evening (while she is supposed to be sleeping) she chooses outfits for each of her girls (Daisy, Minnie, Dollie, and pink monkey) complete with undies, socks and shoes. It is very cute to see but it gets to be a chore putting away almost all of her clothes from her dresser each morning. She is quite the little mommy :)
Derek's new job officially starts on Friday. He attended a week long training conference in Bloomington, IL earlier in February and gained a better understanding of what to expect. He is really looking forward to seeing what is entails. My work has been steadily picking up for tax season but I am definitely enjoying working a MAXIMUM of three days a week. It is a little strange not being so busy this time of year but I like it!
The above picture is Della admiring our freshly planted seeds for our summer garden. This morning we planted 2 types of peppers, 2 types of tomatoes, lemon cucumbers, bunching onions, cilantro, parsley, and basil. Now we wait! We also have one of our avocado pits growing in a cup on our kitchen counter. It is so fun to have a garden helper!
As you can see from following pictures, Della and Cora love to wear matching outfits. Della always wants to pick outfits or pajamas that have a match with Cora. She especially likes it if Mommy matches too. For instance, yesterday, Della and Cora each had a pink top on with jeans so Della chose the same for me. When we do wind up matching, she says "chink!". I think this comes from when Pake and Beppe visited when Cora was born, we toasted wine and said "chink" :)

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Thanks for the update Sharon... I love all the pictures!!!! Those girls are so sweet :). We miss you all!