Saturday, March 23, 2013
Sunny Days
We have been loving the weather here in Bakersfield. Highs have been in the 70s (even some days in the 80s) and the nights have been cooling off so no heat or A/C!! The warmer weather has also meant that all of the cute summer dresses in size 3-6 and 6-9 months that Della only got to wear a couple times are like brand new for Cora!
The girls have been playing outside and we have been spending a little more time at the parks too. We have been getting to know our neighbors who also have kids so in the evenings, Della has been riding her bike in the cul-de-sac checking up on our neighbors :) Bakersfield has really been suiting us well lately.
Cora is going to be 6 months in just over a week. It is so hard to believe how fast time flies! We have been trying to treasure every moment though. She has been siting up pretty steadily on her own for a couple weeks now. She can even reach for stuff on the ground and then sit back up. We are very impressed :) Rolling over though, is another story. She is just pretty content to stay on her back or tummy and has little interest flipping to the other side. Just yesterday, she did roll from her tummy to her back but we have yet to see a repeat. She is such a happy baby and it truly is a joy spending time with her. When she wakes up, she squeals and talks in her crib and greets us with a gummy grin when we go to pick her up.
Big sister Della has been a super help as always. Her vocabulary and understanding have exploded lately!! This morning she explained to Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse (her girls) that her Mommy was the one in the "yellow shirt with the black and white polka dots and blue jeans" which was exactly what I was wearing. She is definitely a little stubborn too. She saw a chihuahua dog in a yard a few days ago and said "look mommy! a dog!!" to which I said, Yes, Della, that is called a Chihuahua dog". Then she looked again and adamantly said, "No, it's a mouse" and continued on with her playing. Facts are facts you know! Della has been asked to be in our friends wedding on April 27 in Grass Valley so there are a couple pictures of her modeling potential flower girl dresses.

Derek has been busy studying for his 4th exam (out of 8) on his way to earn his CLU designation (Certified Life Underwriter). He has been in his new job for about a month now and is quickly learning the ropes. He has also been playing on a church softball team so our Wednesday nights are busy ones.
I have been working a little bit more during tax season. I am in the office 3 days a week and then the 2 work days I am home with the girls, I squeeze in a couple hours of tax preparation during naps. It has been the lowest stress tax season I have ever had.
Tomorrow afternoon we are planning to dye some Easter eggs and on Easter Sunday, we are hosting an Easter brunch after church. I am so excited for the girls to wear matching dresses :)
Happy Easter everyone!!
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Nice sunglasses Della, I have the same pair! I love the blue dress I think it is something that she can wear again, white it more limiting. I love Cora's face in the pink outfit, her jowls looks just like Brooks! hey Derek, I think you have something in your pants!