Monday, July 15, 2013

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

This port was the only port where we booked an excursion through the cruise line. It was a 3.5 hour kayaking adventure. It was fun but definitely not worth the money we paid. Oh well, lesson learned :)

 Once again, Kelli and Nash joined us for the day. Off the boat, we took a bus where we met our kayak guides who had prepared the kayaks for our use. We set off and had a beautiful view of the island from our kayaks. We went past many beautiful homes that are built right into the cliffs. Most had been renovated as we learned new constructed houses must be 100 meters back from the water. We also saw some very interesting rock formations right along the water.

 After kayaking maybe an hour, we stopped at a secluded rocky beach to swim for a while. The water was shallow for quite a ways out but maneuvering was difficult as the bottom of the ocean in that area was so rocky. After swimming for a little we got back into the kayaks and headed to our final destination where the bus was waiting for us. We ended up in a little cove with a sandy beach and a little restaurant. This was a really pretty place for us to take pictures.

The guys experimenting with the underwater camera.

This picture WAS posted intentionally.... Look closer.... closer... under the rocks. Do you see it?

 On the way back, we had the option of getting dropped off by the main marina on the island. We walked around the marina and dreamed of one day owning a yacht (yeah, right). There were some pretty awesome boats and a lot of them were for sale. Needless to say, we didn't purchase one :) At the marina, we stopped in a waterfront café and had another excellent cappuccino and the best nachos ever along with some amazing pizza. Finally, we took a cab back and got back on the boat and relaxed until dinner time.
Yet another AMAZING cappucino.

More explicit signage in Europe. Doesn't seem to work well there. We were amazed at how many people smoke in Europe in comparison to the US.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Photos and text Sharon! What a fabulous opportunity for you guys!
    Spain, Italy and France.....Wow!
